BIGGER: Week 1 "One Step"
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How many tries did you take on your last tik tok video to make it perfect? There's a good chance that it took you a few shots to actually get it where you wanted it. Your followers do not see the many failed attempts to get the right video, they only see the completed product you put out. Life is precisely the same way. You tend to see people in their most polished version of themselves. Students' could see someone's highlight reel and not realize all of the work and amount of time it took for them to get there. You don't see the studying, the countless failures, the blood, sweat, and tears. You don't hear the conversations they have to keep them in the fight for their dream. Too often, we are aiming for going viral when real success happens one step at a time. The truth is nobody wakes up one day and is automatically wealthy. It starts by doing one thing each day that will help you get to your goals.
BIGGER: Week 2 "Your Focus Matters"
At the beginning of the school year, you probably had a clear picture of what you wanted the semester to look like. Then school started, and life happened. Next thing you know, your vision was unclear. You might ask - How do you get back to that place of clarity once things become a blur? One of ...
BIGGER: Week 2 "Hard Work Wins"
Do you remember the story of the tortoise and the hare? You know the rabbit that was super fast and way more talented than the hare that it was racing? Interestingly enough, the tortoise did not have nearly the level of skill that the rabbit had. The turtle kept pushing until the very end and ult...
BIGGER: Week 4 "Do The Work"
Did you know that when you have a great idea or decide to accomplish something, it sends signals through your brain? Have you ever felt that sense of excitement about wanting to accomplish something? Maybe it was trying out for a sports team or applying for your first job. Once your brain sends s...