SAVAGE: Week 3 "Look In The Mirror"
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Have you ever believed that you were self-made? Do you know somebody else who has used that term and argued that they got where they are in life by themselves without the help of anybody? While on the one hand, I believe that people have a more challenging time climbing uphill battles with fewer resources, I also think it is literally impossible to be "self-made." Even in how you became a human was with the participation of two other humans. Everybody in life needs help, and they need support through people. It's not a bad thing to feel like you need assistance. Where we sometimes struggle is the idea that we need people. Well, I have some good news and bad news. YOU NEED PEOPLE. It would be best if you had people you can trust. If you want to attract people around you that you can trust, here is a great place to start, work on becoming a trustworthy person first. You can't expect from people what you are not willing to give!
SAVAGE: Week 4 "Forgiveness Is Vital"
Here’s a question for you. Have you ever made a mistake? Have you ever done someone wrong or did something that you know you should not have done? Yeah, you should know the answer to that question because everybody has made mistakes in their life. Some errors have been more significant than other...
BIGGER: Week 1 "One Step"
How many tries did you take on your last tik tok video to make it perfect? There's a good chance that it took you a few shots to actually get it where you wanted it. Your followers do not see the many failed attempts to get the right video, they only see the completed product you put out. Life is...
BIGGER: Week 2 "Your Focus Matters"
At the beginning of the school year, you probably had a clear picture of what you wanted the semester to look like. Then school started, and life happened. Next thing you know, your vision was unclear. You might ask - How do you get back to that place of clarity once things become a blur? One of ...