MARATHON: WEEK 5 "Relax & Reflect"
1m 2s
You're finishing your last few steps to cross the finish line. You did it! Congrats! You've finally finished your long, challenging, and exhausting marathon. It's time to take some deep breaths, settle your feet, and cool down. One of the benefits of finishing well is the rest that comes after. Take a moment and breathe when you are done. You've earned it. You stuck it through to the end and finished your race. Now you can kick off your shoes, rest for a moment, relax and reflect. There's no better way to grow after a tough season than to relax and reflect on the lessons you've learned from that season. Now that you've finished strong, there's nothing you can't do. Take the time you deserve to rest, then fix your focus on what's next. Because there's only one thing better than finishing strong, it's doing it again!