BAG-GAGE: Week 4: "Clean It Up"
1m 1s
Have you ever had to clean up your room, and you just dreaded it? The advantage of cleaning up your room when its cluttered is that you feel accomplished when you are finished. You also probably sleep so much better when you feel the peace of having a cleanroom. It is easy to focus on cleaning things on the outside or physically, but what about cleaning things internally that are causing you stress and anxiety mentally. That’s a whole other struggle. Sometimes it can be challenging to dig deep within and find out what you need to clean up in your mind, relationships, and yes, even on your social media. Sometimes stress is caused by who and what we compare ourselves to every single day. If you are spending all of your time stressed because you are comparing yourself, this would be a good time to start doing some decluttering! Take a moment to go through the places that cause you stress and anxiety and clean it up!